This is quite a large family with a number of borrowings into other language families. Because, it turns out, the Indo-European speakers' relationship with wheels is pretty important in a lot of people's history, like the Sumerians' relationship with reeds.
There is also a root *wel(h₁)-: "to turn, to wind, to eddy", which it's hard to argue is completely unrelated to *kʷel(h₁)-: "to roll, to turn"! But they're both quite big families, and I couldn't manage to do them both at once. The *wel(h₁)- family includes words like revolution, waltz, walk, vulgar, and wall. And then there's *welh₁-: "to choose, to want", possibly "to turn towards"?, with words like will and voloptuous.
Full Text
Proto-Indo-European *kʷelh₁- to roll, to turn
Proto-Indo-European *kʷélh₁eti rolls, travels primary verb
- Albanian sjell to turn, to bring, to dawdle
Hellenic *kʷélō
Classical Greek πέλω pélō I go, I become, I am
Classical Greek πάλαι pálai gone, far away, long ago
Indo-Iranian *čárati
Indo-Aryan *ćárati
Sanskrit 𑀘𑀭𑀢𑀺 cárati moves, walks, wanders, directs, behaves
Iranian *čárati
- Avestan 𐬗𐬀𐬭𐬁𐬥𐬍 carānī I move, I approach
Northern Iranian
- Ossetian цӕрын cæryn I live
- Pashto څرېدل caredal to take to pasture, to set to graze
Western Iranian
Northwestern Iranian
- Kurdish çerîn to set to graze
Old Persian
- Persian چریدن to take to pasture, to set to graze
Italic *kʷelezi
Latin colere I plow, I cultivate, I inhabit, I worship
Latin -cola inhabitor, cultivator, worshipper
Latin agricola farmer lit. "field-turner"
Latin Agricola Farmer personal or family name
- French agricole agricultural
Latin colōnus farmer, inhabitant, colonist
Central Romance
- Italian colono colonist, settler, farmer
Western Romance
- French colon colonist, colonizer, camper, sharecropper
- Spanish colono colonist, settler, farmer
Latin colōnia colony, settlement, estate
- English colony
Latin Colōnia Agrippīna Agrippine Colony, Cologne
Western Romance
French Cologne
- English Cologne
French eau de Cologne
- English cologne
- Russian одеколо́н odekolón cologne
- German Köln
Latin Lindum Colōnia Lincoln with Lindum from Brythonic *Lindon meaning "pool"
Italic *inkʷelō
Italic *inkʷelīnos
- Latin inquilīnus sojourner, tenant, of foreign origin
Proto-Indo-European *kʷl̥nh₁eti presumably a -ne- infix, but all descendants show assimilation of the zero-grade infix to the *l̥, resulting in *-Vll-
Celtic *kʷalleti
Brythonic *pallad
- Welsh pallu to fail, to cease, to perish, to refuse
Classical Greek τέλλω téllō I accomplish, I perform, I rise
Classical Greek ἀνᾰτέλλω anatéllō I rise, I raise up, I grow, I bring to light
Classical Greek ἀνατολή anatolḗ sun rise, rise, east, growth
Medieval Latin Anatolia
Greek Ανατόλιος Easterner (personal name)
Latin Anatolius
- Russian Анато́лий Anatólij
- Arshian källāṣ to lead, to bring
Proto-Indo-European *kʷelh₁esyeti
Hellenic *kʷeléyyō
Classical Greek τελέω teléō I complete, I fulfill, I perform, I present, I pay
Classical Greek τέλεσμα télesma completion, payment, taxes, certificate
Byzantine Greek τέλεσμα télesma completion, religious rite, talisman
Arabic طلسم ṭilasm enigma, talisman, cryptogram
French talisman
- Georgian თილისმა tilisma mascot, talisman
- Turkish tılsım charm, talisman
French talisman
- English telesm
Proto-Indo-European *kʷólh₁os
Balto-Slavic *kalas
- Slavic *kȍlo wheel, circle
Celtic *kʷolos
Old Irish cul chariot?
- Old Irish culgaire chariot noise with gaire: "call, shout"
Hellenic *kʷólos
Classical Greek πόλος pólos axle, pivot, hinge
Greek πόλος pólos pole (of an axis or battery)
- Greek Βόρειος Πόλος North Pole
Latin polus pole (of an axis)
Proto-Indo-European *kʷl̥h₁tós turned adjective
Italic *kʷəltos
Latin cultus tilled, cultivated, nurtured, worshipped, religious group
French culte
Latin cultūra care, cultuivation, agriculture, culture
French culture
- Italian cultura
- Spanish cultura
Latin agricultūra "field-cultivation"
Medieval Latin cultīvus
Medieval Latin cultivō
Medieval Latin culativātus
Proto-Indo-European *kʷélh₁os
Hellenic *kʷélos
Classical Greek τέλος télos completion, fulfillment, result, end, death, highest authority, taxes
- Greek τέλος end, finish
Classical Greek Ἀριστοτέλης Aristotélēs personal name: Best-Result
Latin Aristotelēs Aristotle
Classical Greek ὑποτελής hupotelḗs subject to paying taxes, tributary, taxable
- Greek υποτελής ypotelís vassal, subordinate, submissive
Classical Greek τελωνιον telōnion custom house
Latin telonium toll booth, custom house, tariff
Western Romance
Old French tolniu
- French tonlieu market toll, tariff modified by association with lieu
- English telonium
- English thelony
- English tele(o)-
Proto-Indo-European *kʷelh₁om
Proto-Indo-European *kʷékʷlh₁os
Anatolian *kuakula?? wheels (collective)
- Hittite 𒆪𒄢𒆷 KU.GUL.LA donut
- Sumerian 𒇀 GIGIR chariot
Northwest Semitic *GLGL wheels, rolling
- Hebrew גלגל gálgal wheel
- Hebrew התגלגל hitgalgél to roll
Hebrew גליל galíl circle, cylinder, wheel, region, district
Hebrew הגליל haGalíl Galilee
Classical Greek Γαλιλαία Galilaía Galilee
Latin Galilaea Galilee
Classical Greek Γαλιλαῖος Galilaîos Galilean
Latin galilaeus Galilean, Christian
Central Romance
Italian Galileo Personal name: Galilean, Christian
- Italian Galileo Galilei
English Galileo
Italian Galilei Surname: son of or descendant of Galileo
- Yiddish גליל Golel Galilee
Balto-Slavic *kaklas neck
East Baltic
- Lithuanian kãklas neck, collar
Finnic *kakla
Germanic *hwehwlą wheel
North Germanic
Old Norse hvél
- Icelandic hvel wheel, disk, circle
Germanic *hweulō wheels
North Germanic
Old Norse hjól wheel
- Danish hjul wheel
Icelandic hjól wheel, tire
- Icelandic reiðhjól bicycle
West Germanic
Old English hwēol wheel
Frankish *wiol
Classical Greek κῠ́κλος kúklos circle, wheel, crowd, sphere
- Greek κύκλος kýklos circle, cycle, course
Latin cyclus circle, cycle
French cycle
English cycle
- Japanese サイクル saikuru cycle, bicycle
French bicycle
- French bicyclette
- English bicycle
- Italian ciclo
- Spanish ciclo
English Kuklos Adelphon Greek learned borrowing: "circle of brothers"
Classical Greek κυκλόω kuklóō to go in a circle, to surround
Classical Greek Κύκλωψ Kúklōps cyclops partly
Indo-Iranian *čakrám wheel
Indo-Aryan *ćakrám
Sanskrit 𑀘𑀓𑁆𑀭 cakrá wheel, circle, cycle
Pali cakka wheel, circle, cycle, command
- Burmese စက် cak circle, wheel, cycle, machine
- Thai จักร jàk wheel, circle, gear, chakra, realm
Madhya Sauraseni
- Hindi चक्कर cakkar circle, curve, roundabout
- Telugu చక్రము cakramu wheel
- English chakra
- English chakram
Sanskrit 𑀘𑀓𑁆𑀭𑀯𑀭𑁆𑀢𑀺𑀦𑁆 cakravartin
Iranian *čaxrám
- Avestan 𐬗𐬀𐬑𐬭𐬀 caxra wheel
Northern Iranian
- Pashto څرخ carx
Western Iranian
Northwestern Iranian
- Balochi چہر čahr
- Kurdish çerx wheel
Old Persian
- Persian چرخ čarx wheel, cart, spool, pulley
Iranian *čaxrákah spinning wheel
Western Iranian
Northwestern Iranian
Old Persian
- Persian چرخه čarxe spinning wheel
Finnic *kecrä spindle, wheel, flywheel
- Finnish kehrä spindle, disk of the Sun or Moon
- Finnish kekri harvest festival "turning of the year?"
- Phrygian κίκλην kíklēn
Tocharian *kukäle
- Arshian kukäl wagon, cart
- Kushean kokale wagon, cart
Old Chinese *kla chariot
Middle Chinese 車 kɨʌ chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Mandarin 車 jū chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Wu 車 geoi¹ chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Yue 車 jy¹ chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Min Nan 車 chhia
Proto-Indo-European *kʷolh₁som
Italic *kʷolsom
Latin collum neck
Central Romance
- Italian collo neck, collar, package
Insular Romance
Western Romance
Old French col
- French cou neck
French col collar, neck (of a vase, etc.)
- Spanish cuello neck, collar
Latin collāris of the neck, collared
Old French coler
- French colier
English collar
- Irish coiléar collar, truss
Proto-Indo-European *kʷolh₁sos
Germanic *halsaz neck
East Germanic
North Germanic
Old Norse hals neck
- Danish hals neck, throat
- Icelandic háls neck, throat, a person (metonymically)
West Germanic
Old English heals neck, prow of a ship
- English halse
- English hause
English hawse
- English hawser partly, but mostly from Norman haucier: "to raise, to lift" from altus
Scots hause
- Scots hausebane collar bone
Frankish *hals
Old High German hals
- German Hals neck, throat
- Yiddish האַלדז haldz neck
Germanic *frijahalsaz free, unconstrained, freedom, liberty lit. "free-neck"
East Germanic
- Gothic 𐍆𐍂𐌴𐌹𐌷𐌰𐌻𐍃 freihals freedom, liberty
North Germanic
Old Norse frjáls
- Icelandic frjáls free
Old Norse frelsa to free, to rescue
- Danish frelse to save, to rescue, to redeem
West Germanic
- Old English frēols freedom, privilege, immunity, peace, festival day
- Old High German frīhals freedom, liberation
Germanic *halsōną to neck, to embrace
North Germanic
West Germanic
Old English *healsian
- Middle English halsen to embrace
Proto-Indo-European *kʷl̥h₁is
Classical Greek *pális back, reverse "turned part"
Classical Greek πᾰ́λῐν pálin backwards, again
- Greek πάλι páli again
- Coptic ⲡⲁⲗⲓⲛ palin again
Classical Greek πᾰλῐ́μψηστος palímpsēstos re-scraped
Latin palimpsēstus manuscript scraped clean for re-use, palimpsest
Proto-Indo-European ?
- Kushean kleŋke wagon
Old Chinese *kla chariot
Middle Chinese 車 kɨʌ chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Mandarin 車 jū chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Wu 車 geoi¹ chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Yue 車 jy¹ chariot (xiangqi), rook (chess)
- Min Nan 車 chhia
Old Chinese *kʰlja chariot, cart
Middle Chinese 車 t͡ɕʰia chariot, cart, vehicle, machine, to lathe
- Mandarin 車 chē chariot, cart, vehicle, machine, to lathe
- Wu 車 tsho¹ chariot, cart, vehicle, machine, to lathe
- Yue 車 ce¹ chariot, cart, vehicle, machine, to lathe
- Japanese 車 sha vehicle, train car, counter for vehicle
- Korean 차 cha vehicle, especially a car
- Vietnamese xe wheeled vehicle
Old Chinese *kloːɡ hub, wheel, chariot
Middle Chinese 轂 kuk̚ hub, wheel, chariot
- Mandarin 轂 gǔ hub, wheel, chariot
- Yue 轂 guk¹ hub, wheel, chariot
- Min Nan 轂 kok hub, wheel, chariot
Uralic *kulke- to go, to walk
Finnic *kulkedak
- Finnish kulkea to go, to walk, to travel
- Hungarian halad to proceed, to advance
- Nenets хуˮла χūllā to drift
Proto-Indo-European *kʷlh₁ewt- to turn, to change a new root re-analyzed from a zero-grade form?
Proto-Indo-European *kʷlh₁utsḱéti iterative verb
Tocharian *klutk-
- Arshian lutk- to make, to change, to become, to turn into
- Kushean klutk- to make, to change, to become, to turn into
Proto-Indo-European *kʷlh₁ewtsm̥
- Albanian qeshë was suppletive past tense of jam
Proto-Indo-European *klh₁eyp-? (flat) bread
East Baltic
- Lithuanian kliẽpas loaf of bread
Germanic *hlaibaz
East Germanic
- Gothic 𐌷𐌻𐌰𐌹𐍆𐍃 hlaifs bread
Slavic *xlě̀bъ
East Slavic хлѣбъ xlěbŭ
- Russian хлеб xleb bread, loaf, living
South Slavic
- Old Church Slavonic хлѣбъ xlěbŭ bread, loaf
- Serbo-Croatian хље̏б hljȅb bread, loaf
West Slavic
North Germanic
Old Norse hleifr loaf
- Danish lev
- Icelandic hleifur loaf (of bread)
West Germanic
Old English hlāf bread, loaf
- English loaf
- Scots laif
Old English hlǣfdīġe mistress of a household lit. "bread-kneader"
Old English hlāfweard master of a houshold lit. "bread-guard"
Finnic *laipa
Samic *lājpē
- Northern Sami láibi bread
Classical Greek κρῑ́βᾰνος krī́banos bread pan, bread oven also appears as klī́banos
- Greek κλίβανος furnace
- Latin clībanus breadpan, oven, furnace
- Proto-Indo-European *wel(h₁)- to turn, to wind, to eddy
- Proto-Indo-European *welh₁- to choose, to want

Collected English words
Galilean moon,
Kuklos Adelphon,
Ku Klux Klan,