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  1. Word Family - Eye


    One neat discovery in this family is that English has words from three different compoundings of *h₃ekʷ- with *h₂énti: "opposite, near, in front" three different times: compounded in Proto-Indo-European *h₂énti-h₃kʷós goes through Latin antiquus to give antique and antic; compounded again in Late Latin as *anteocularis it goes through …

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  2. Word Family - Elm


    *h₁elmos: "wych elm (Ulmus glabra)" shows up with identical meaning in all four of the Late Northwest branches, plus an Albanian with a slightly different meaning. It probably represents a LNW borrowing from an Eastern European substrate language, with Albanian borrowing the term separately from either the same or …

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  3. Word Family - Kai


    A quick Austronesian word family inspired by my friend Kai's birthday: Malayo-Polynesian *tasik: "sea, coastal water, saltwater, tide" -> Hawaiʻian kai: "sea, saltwater, coast, tide".

    The Oceanic compound *taqu-tasi: "expert sailor" (lit. "sea-able, sea-knowing") is such a cool word, I included Austronesian *tsaqu: "to know how, to be able", too …

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  4. Word Family - Silhouette


    Étienne de Silhouette, a French politician of Basque ancestry, was the Controller-General of Finances under Louis XV in 1759. His measures to curb the national debt, notably by imposing new taxes on the rich and the nobility prompted a backlash and ultimately his dismissal after less than a year …

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