Pride in Words Design

Pride in Words Design

Shirts, stickers, etc. are available on RedBubble

Design with pride flags overlaid with text described below

They won't give me enough character count to fully explain on RedBubble, so the full explanation here:


Hittite, Cuneiform script
π’†·π’Šπ’‰Ίπ’…€ <la-az-pa-ia>: "of Lazpa".
Hittite "Lazpa" is thought to be an earlier form of the same name as Greek "Lesbos". "Lazpa" is attested in one document from Hattusa, and the adjective form "Lazpaia" in another one.
Gothic, Gothic script
πŒ²πŒ°πŒ·πŒ΄πŒΉπƒ gaheis: "fast, impetuous, lively".
Borrowed from Gothic into Old Occitan during the time of the Visigothic Kingdom in Iberia and southwestern France. From there it was borrowed into Old French, where it merged with jai, previously borrowed from Frankishβ€”both from the same Proto-Germanic <*ganhuz>.
Archaic Latin, Old Italic script
πŒƒπŒ–πŒ‰πŒ” duis: "double, in two ways".
The prefixing form of duo: "two"; with change from du- to b- also seen in bonus from duenos, bellus from duenelos, and bellum from duellum
Old Italic forms based on those seen in the Duenos Inscription.
Classical Latin, Roman square capitals
TRANS: "across"
Based on square capitals such as on the Trajan Column
Old Saxon, Germanic runes
αš¦αš’α›…αš±αšΌ thwerh: "contrary, bent, crooked"
queer shows an irregular change from thw- to kw- also seen in the German cognate quer, as well as in German Quirl from Old High German thwiril.
Very little written Old Saxon survived Charlemagne's Saxon Wars, but Germanic runes are attested in contemporary Germanic languages immediately north, east, and south of Saxony, so I've taken the artistic liberty of assuming that Old Saxon was sometimes written in runes.
