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  1. Word Family - Gold


    The colors white, gold, yellow, yellow-green, green, sky blue, and navy blue in various languages. And the chemical elements chlorine, gold and arsenic in English.


    chlorine, yellow, cholera, Glasgow, lapis lazuli, gold, yield, guild, arsenic

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    • Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelh₃- yellow, green
      • Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰélh₃yeti becomes yellow-green
        • Balto-Slavic
          • East Baltic …
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  2. Word Family - Duke

    January theme: Aristocratic Titles 👑


    Germanic really went to town with this root, creating a bunch of morphological forms that aren't attested in any other branches, and in a few cases I can't even relate them to any standard derivational forms I know in either PIE or Proto-Germanic.


    wanton …

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