Love, compassion, and pity to Tonga and the city of Nuku'alofa.
There is disagreement whether Oceanic word: "to be fond of, to feel empathy for" is properly reconstructed as with an *l, making it a likely derivative of Austronesian *qalǝp: "to beckon, to wave", or with an *r, and thus presumably a separate root.
In Polynesian languages it becomes particularly confusing—first, almost complete merger of *r and *l, and second, the common practive in Polynesian languages of using "love, compassion" as a salutation. You could even imagine that the merger of "wave to" and "feel compassion for" drives the development of the salutation.
The resemblance to *qarop: "front, face", is most likely just an accident of the merger of Malayo-Polynesian *d and *r. Though there is some precedent for semantic shift between "face" and various emotions.
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Austronesian *qalǝp to beckon, to wave
- Pazeh m-arep to beckon
Malayo-Polynesian *qalo(p) to beckon, to wave forms that preserve the *p are probably all suffixed forms, like the transitive *qalopi
- Chamorro alof to beckon
- Tagalog ayap to call, to summon
Oceanic *qalo
- Fijian yalo(va) to wave, to beckon
- Wayan alo(vi) to wave, to beckon, to signal
- Kiribati ano to beckon
Polynesian *ʔaro(f)
- Niuēan alo to beckon, to signal
Polynesian *ʔarof-ak-i
Outlier Polynesian
- Takuu arofāki to beckon
Nuclear Polynesian
- Māori aroarofaki a hand motion in dance
Austronesian *ta(Ra)-qalop with unknown prefix <*ta(ɾa
Oceanic *tā-qalo(p)
- Wayan tā-yalo wave
Polynesian *ta-ʔalo
- Tongan ta-'alo to beckon
Nuclear Polynesian
Samoan tālo to wave, to beckon
- Samoan talofa greeting
Malayo-Polynesian *qarop like, be fond of
Oceanic *qarop(-i)
Southeast Solomonic
- Bughotu (r)arovi to pity
- Gela arovi to pity
Oceanic *qarop-an fondness
Polynesian *ʔarofa love, compassion
Tongan alofa love
Tongan ofa to love
Tongan Nukuʻalofa Place of Love (placename)
- English Nukuʻalofa
Nuclear Polynesian
Hawaiʻian aloha love, compassion, greeting
- English aloha
- Hawaiʻian aloha kakahiaka good morning
- Hawaiʻian aloha ahiahi good morning
- Rapa Nui ꞌaroha
- Samoan talofa greeting
- Samoan alofa love
Māori aroha love, compassion
- English aroha
- Tahitian arōfa compassion, pity