Word Family - Come


"What are the basic events of a conventional katabasis adventure? Come. Circumvent. Get a souvenir."

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  • Proto-Indo-European *gʷeh₂- to step, to go, to stand
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷéh₂t perfective
      • Hellenic *égʷēn
        • Classical Greek ἔβην ébēn I stepped, I walked, I went part of the paradigm of βαίνω
      • Indo-Iranian *HágaHt
        • Iranian
          • Avestan 𐬔𐬁𐬝 gāt̰ goes
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷígʷeh₂ti imperfective
      • Old Armenian կամ kam I stand, I stay, I live, I exist
        • Armenian կամ kam I am, I exist
      • Celtic
        • Old Irish bebais die
      • Indo-Iranian *ǰígaHti
        • Indo-Aryan
          • Sanskrit 𑀚𑀺𑀕𑀸𑀢𑀺 jigāti to go, to walk, to approach, to pursue
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷéh₂yeti
      • Balto-Slavic *gā́ˀtei
        • Lithuanian góti to go, to hurry
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷéh₂mn̥ step
      • Hellenic *gʷḗmə
        • Classical Greek βῆμα bêma step, pace, gait, platform, pulpit, bema, bima
          • Greek βῆμα vima step, pace, gait, platform, bima, Tribune
          • Old Armenian
            • Armenian բեմ bem stage, bema
          • Coptic ⲃⲏⲙⲁ bēma platform, bema
          • English bema
          • Hebrew בִּימָה bîmâ stage, bima
            • English bima
            • Yiddish בימה bime bima
      • Indo-Iranian *gā́ma
        • Indo-Aryan *gā́ma
          • Indo-Aryan *pra-gā́ma
            • Sanskrit 𑀧𑁆𑀭𑀕𑀸𑀫𑀦𑁆 pragā́man walk, step, gait
        • Iranian *gā́ma
          • Avestan 𐬔𐬁𐬨𐬀𐬥 gāman step, pace, going
          • Western Iranian
            • Northwestern Iranian
              • Kurdish gav step
            • Old Persian
              • Persian گام gâm step
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷéh₂tis
      • Old Armenian կայ kay site, station, standing
        • Armenian կայք kaykʿ possesions, website from the Old Armenian plural
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷoh₂mós
      • Hellenic *gʷōmós
        • Classical Greek βωμός bōmós pedestal, altar
          • Greek βωμός vomós altar
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷeHǵʰ-? extension
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷeHǵʰeti
        • Balto-Slavic *gaˀźiti to step, to tread
          • East Baltic
            • Lithuanian góžti overturn
          • Slavic *gàziti to tread, to wade
            • South Slavic
              • Serbo-Croatian га̏зити gȁziti to wade, to tramp
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷeHǵʰos result noun
        • Balto-Slavic *gāˀźas ford
          • Slavic *gazъ ford
            • South Slavic
              • Serbo-Croatian га̑з gȃz ford
    • Proto-Indo-European *gʷem- to step, to go
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷémt
        • Balto-Slavic *gimtei
          • East Baltic
            • Lithuanian gìmti to be born
        • Germanic *kwemanã to come
          • East Germanic
            • Gothic 𐌵𐌹𐌼𐌰𐌽 qiman to come
            • Crimean Gothic kommen to come
          • North Germanic
            • Old Norse koma to come, to arrive
              • Danish komme to come, to get, to arrive
              • Icelandic koma to come, to arrive
          • West Germanic
            • Old English cuman to come
              • English come
                • English cum
            • Frankish
              • Dutch komen to come, to happen
            • Old High German kweman
              • German kommen to come, to arrive, to get, to happen
              • Yiddish קומען kumen to come
          • Germanic *bikwemanã to come by, to come near, to chance upon, to happen
            • East Germanic
              • Gothic 𐌱𐌹𐌵𐌹𐌼𐌰𐌽 biqiman to chance upon, to happen
            • West Germanic
              • Old English becuman to come to, to arrive, to happen
                • English become
              • Frankish *bikuman
                • Dutch bekomen to recover, to acquire, to please
              • Old High German bikweman
                • German bekommen to receive, to get
                • Yiddish באַקומען bakumen to receive, to get
        • Tocharian kʷäm- to come
          • Arshian kum to come
          • Kushean käm to come
        • Proto-Indo-European *h₁é-gʷemt
          • Old Armenian եկն ekn came suppletive preterite of unrelated gam
            • Armenian եկ- ek-
            • Old Armenian եկ ek arrival, event, newcomer, income
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷémeti
        • Indo-Iranian *ǰámati
          • Indo-Aryan
            • Sanskrit 𑀕𑀫𑀢𑀺 gamati comes
              • Sanskrit 𑀕𑀗𑁆𑀕𑀸 gaṅgā the Ganges River
                • Magadhi
                  • Bengali গাং gaṅ river
                • Pali 𑀕𑀗𑁆𑀕𑀸 gaṅgā
                  • Old Khmer
                    • Khmer គង្គា kŭəngkiə river, the Ganges River
                    • Thai คงคา kong-kaa river, the Ganges River
                • Middle Chinese 恆伽 hong gja
                  • Mandarin 恆伽 Hénggā
                  • Japanese こうが Kōga phonologically merged with MC hwang ha: "the Yellow River"
                  • Vietnamese Hằng
                • Classical Greek Γάγγης Gángēs
                  • Latin Ganges
                    • English Ganges
                • Hindi गंगा ganga
                  • English Ganga
                • Persian گنگ gang
                  • Arabic الغانج al-ḡānj
                • Sanskrit 𑀆𑀓𑀸𑀰 ākāśagáṅgā the Milky Way, Sky-Ganges or possibly "aglow-river"
                  • Bengali আকাশগঙ্গা akaśgoṅga the Milky Way
                  • Hindi आकाशगंगा ākāśgaṅgā the Milky Way
          • Iranian *ǰámati
            • Avestan 𐬘𐬀𐬨𐬀𐬌𐬙𐬌 jamaiti goes
            • Western Iranian
              • Northwestern Iranian
                • Parthian 𐭂𐭀𐭌𐭉𐭃 jʾmyd
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷm̥yéti 1P: *gʷm̥yóh₂
        • Hellenic *gʷəňňō
          • Classical Greek βαίνω baínō I go, I step, I leave
            • Classical Greek -βάτης -bátēs walker
              • Classical Greek ἀκροβάτης akrobátēs acrobat "top-walker"
                • French acrobate acrobat
                  • English acrobat
              • Classical Greek στυλοβάτης stulobátēs "column walker"
                • English stylobate
              • Classical Greek ὑλοβάτης hulobátēs "woods walker"
                • Translingual Hylobates taxonomic genus of gibbons
        • Italic *gʷenjezi I come
          • Oscan benust will have come attested only in the 3S future perfect
          • Latin venire
            • Central Romance
              • Italian venire to come
            • Eastern Romance
              • Romanian a veni to come
              • Old Albanian vinj
                • Albanian vij I arrive, I come
            • Western Romance
              • French venir to come
                • Haitian Creole vini to come
              • Spanish venir to come
            • Latin venturus about to come
              • Central Romance
                • Italian ventura fortune, luck, chance, coincidence
                  • Italian Ventura surname originally a nickname, "Lucky"?
                    • English Ventura
              • Western Romance
                • Spanish ventura fortune, luck
            • Latin advenire to arrive "come-to"
              • Western Romance
                • Old French avenir to happen
                  • French avenir future
              • Latin adventus arrival
                • English advent
                • Latin adventūrus about to arrive, adventure
                  • Western Romance
                    • French aventure adventure, venture, affair
                      • Japanese アバンチュール abanchūru adventure, affair
                      • Polish awantura brawl, quarrel
                  • English adventure
                    • English venture
            • Latin circumvenire to surround, to circumvent, to deceive "come-around"
              • Central Romance
                • Italian circonvenire to swindle
              • Western Romance
                • French circonvenir to circumvent
                • Spanish circunvenir to circumvent
              • English circumvent
            • Latin contrāvenire to oppose "come-against"
              • Western Romance
                • Old French
                  • French contrevenir to contravene
                  • English contravene
                • Spanish contravenir
            • Latin convenire to convene, to meet, to be suited for, to be agreed "come-together"
              • Central Romance
                • Italian convenire to agree on, to be suited for, to gather, to summon
              • Eastern Romance
                • Romanian a cuveni to deserve, to be adequate, to be consistent with
              • Western Romance
                • Old French
                  • French convenir to agree to, to be suited for, to be convenient
                  • English convene
                • Spanish convenir to agree on, to be suited for, to arrange
              • Latin conveniens meeting, fitting, suitable, agreeable
                • Western Romance
                  • Old French covenant
                    • English covenant
                • English convenient
              • Latin conventus meeting, congregation, association, corporation
                • Eastern Romance
                  • Romanian cuvânt word meaning influenced by Greek
                  • Albanian kuvend convention, meeting, parliament
                • Western Romance
                  • Old French cuvent
                    • French couvent convent, nunnery
                    • English covent
                      • English Coventry
                    • English convent
                • Byzantine Greek κομβέντον kombénton meeting
                  • Greek κουβέντα kouvénta conversation, talk, word
              • Latin conventio meeting, assembly, convention, agreement
                • French convention convention, agreement
                  • English convention
                    • English conventional
                    • English con
                • Italian convenzione agreement, convention, covenant
                • Spanish convención convention
            • Latin devenire to come from, to arrive from
              • Central Romance
                • Italian divenire to become, to happen
              • Western Romance
                • French devenir to become
                  • Haitian Creole vin to become
            • Latin evenire to happen, to occur "come-out"
              • Latin eventus event, occurrence, outcome
                • Central Romance
                  • Italian evento event
                • Western Romance
                  • Spanish evento event
                • English event
              • French événement event
            • Latin intervenire to intervene, to come between
              • English intervene
              • Latin interventio
                • English intervention
            • Latin invenire to find, to discover, to invent, to get "come-in"
              • Western Romance
                • Old French
                  • French inventer to invent
                  • English invent
              • Latin inventarium list, inventory
                • Central Romance
                  • Italian inventario inventory, list, review
                • Western Romance
                  • Old French inventoire
                    • French inventaire inventory
                    • English inventory
                  • Spanish inventario inventory
              • Latin inventor inventor, author, discoverer
                • English inventor
            • Latin praevenire to anticipate, to precede, to interrupt "come-before"
              • Western Romance
                • French prevenir prevent, warn
              • English prevent
            • Latin revenire to come back, to return
              • Western Romance
                • French revenir to come back, to return, to go back on a decision
                  • French revenu returned, revenue, income
                    • English revenue
            • Latin subvenire to support, to assist, to come to mind "come-from-under"
              • Central Romance
                • Italian sovvenire to assist, to take care of, to remember
              • Western Romance
                • French souvenir to remember
                  • English souvenir
              • English subvene
              • French subvenir to provide for
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷm̥sḱéti iterative/durative
        • Hellenic *gʷəskō 2S imperative: *gʷəske
          • Classical Greek βάσκε come, go imperative only
        • Indo-Iranian *gasćáti
          • Indo-Aryan *gaśćáti
            • Sanskrit 𑀕𑀘𑁆𑀙𑀢𑀺 gacchati to go, to move, to come, to approach
          • Iranian *ǰašáti
            • Avestan 𐬘𐬀𐬯𐬀𐬌𐬙𐬌 jasaiti to come
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷm̥tós passable, passed, came
        • Balto-Slavic *gimtás born
          • Lithuanian gim̃tas native
          • Old Prussian naunagimton new-born
        • Hellenic *gʷətós
          • Classical Greek βᾰτός batós passable, accessible, speedy
            • Greek βατός vatós passable, accessible, easy
            • Classical Greek ἀδιάβατος impassable, inaccessible
              • English adiabatic
        • Indo-Iranian *gatás gone, come
          • Indo-Aryan *gatás
            • Sanskrit 𑀕𑀢 gatá gone past tense of 𑀕𑀫𑁆 gam
              • Prakrit *gada gone, went suppletive past tense of 𑀬𑀸𑀢𑀺 yāti: "to go"
                • Maharashtri 𑀕𑀅 gaä
                  • Maharashtri 𑀕𑀇𑀮𑁆𑀮𑀅 gaïllaä
                    • Marathi गेले gele gone, went suppletive past tense of जाणे j̈āṇe
                • Sauraseni 𑀕𑀬 gaya
                  • Madhya Sauraseni
                    • Hindi गया gayā gone, went suppletive past tense of जाना jānā
                  • Northwestern Sauraseni
                    • Punjabi ਗਿਆ giā went suppletive past tense of ਜਾਣਾ jāṇā
          • Iranian *gatáh
            • Avestan 𐬔𐬀𐬙𐬀 gata gone
            • Northern Iranian *āgatáh
              • Khotani 𑀆𑀢 āta come
              • Sogdian 𐫀𐫀𐫄𐫤 ’’γt to come
                • Sogdian 𐫛𐫤𐫄𐫀𐫖 ptγ’m message
                  • Sogdian 𐫛𐫤𐫄𐫀𐫖𐫁𐫡𐫏 ptγ’mbry apostle
        • Italic *gʷentos
          • Latin ventus arrival
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷémtis a going, a step action noun
        • Germanic *kumþiz arrival, coming
          • East Germanic
            • Gothic *qumþs
              • Gothic 𐌲𐌰𐌵𐌿𐌼𐌸𐍃 gaqumþs gathering, assembly, synagogue
          • North Germanic
            • Old Norse *kund
              • Old Norse samkund gathering, assembly
                • Icelandic samkund synagogue
          • West Germanic
            • Frankish
              • Dutch komst arrival
        • Hellenic *gʷə́tis
          • Classical Greek βασις basis step, foot, foundation, base
            • Greek βάση vási base, basis, foundation
            • Hebrew בָּסִיס basís base
              • Hebrew בְּסִיסִי b'sisí basic, fundamental
            • Latin basis base, basis, foundation, footprint
              • Western Romance
                • French base
                  • English base
                    • English baseball
                      • French baseball baseball
                      • Greek μπέιζμπολ béizmpol baseball
                      • Russian бейсбо́л bejsból baseball
                  • French basique
                    • English basic
                • Italian base base, basis
              • English basis
              • Russian ба́зис bázis base, basis, foundation
            • Classical Greek ἀνάβασις anábasis ascent "up-going"
              • Greek ανάβαση anávasi going up, ascent
              • English anabasis
              • French anabase anabasis
            • Classical Greek κατάβασις katábasis descent "down-going"
              • English katabasis
              • French catabase catabasis
        • Indo-Iranian *gátiš
          • Indo-Aryan *gátiṣ
            • Sanskrit 𑀕𑀢𑀺 gáti going, gait, manner, course, condition
              • Pali gati course, destiny, behavior
                • Khmer គតិ thoughts, mind, spirit
                • Thai คติ ká-dtì principle, model
              • Hindi गति gati motion, speed, condition
              • Telugu గతి gati path, course, motion, condition, destiny
              • Old Khmer
                • Khmer ក្តី kdəy proceedings, lawsuit, priest's house
                • Thai คดี ká-dii proceedings, lawsuit, matter, case
      • Proto-Indo-European *gʷm̥dʰmos
        • Hellenic
          • Classical Greek βαθμός bathmós step
            • Greek βαθμός vathmós step, grade, rank, degree
              • Greek βαθμοφόρος vathmofóros officer lit. "rank-bearer"


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Collected English words

bema, bima, come, cum, become, Ganges, Ganga, acrobat, stylobate, Hylobates, Ventura, advent, adventure, venture, circumvent, contravene, convene, covenant, convenient, covent, Coventry, convent, convention, conventional, con, event, intervene, intervention, invent, inventory, inventor, prevent, revenue, souvenir, subvene, adiabatic, base, baseball, basic, basis, anabasis, katabasis
