The particle *me meaning "with, at, between" is probably the origin of *médʰyos: "middle"—in turn the origin of many, many words.
I wonder if *meh₁-: "to measure" and *meh₁d-: "to consider, to give advice, to heal" isn't also from *me. Germanic *midlą for example sometimes means "middle" but sometimes means "medicine, remedy". Or, in both Sardinian and Dalmatian, the Latin words medius: "middle" and mēnsus: "measured" are merged as mesu: "half".
The other PIE word for "with" *ḱom could possibly be related, possibly originating as *ḱe + me: "with that". On the other hand I'm not convinced *ḱom is even related to *ḱe, since *ḱe was originally indeclinable, and declined *o forms were a late innovation in some branches, but *ḱom appears in almost all branches. Armenian is a notable exception, lacking a direct descendant of *ḱom, but is one of the branches with form reflecting *ḱo.
Full Text
Proto-Indo-European *me with, at, between, in the middle of
- Albanian me with
Proto-Indo-European *metih₂
Pre-Albanian *met
- Albanian mjet between, among, wall, means, tool
Pre-Albanian *metwisa between lands
Albanian mjedis environment, nature
- Albanian midis between, among
Germanic *midi with, by, together
West Germanic
Old English mid with
Old English midwīf midwife lit. "with-woman"
Old High German mit with
- German mit with
- Yiddish מיט mit with
Hellenic meta
- Mycenaean Greek 𐀕𐀲 me-ta
Classical Greek μετά metá among, between, along with, in pursuit of, after, next
Classical Greek μετα- participation, succession, pursuit, after, reversely, change
Classical Greek μεταβάλλω metabállō I throw into a different position, I change suddenly, I turn around
Classical Greek μετᾰβολή metabolḗ change, mutation, transformation
- Greek μεταβολή metavolí
French métabolisme metabolism
Classical Greek μεθίστημι methístēmi
Classical Greek μετάστασις metástasis
- Greek μετάσταση metástasi
Late Latin metastasis
Classical Greek μεταφέρω metaphérō I carry over, I transfer, I change, I use metaphorically
Classical Greek μεταφορά metaphorā́
- Greek μεταφορά metaforá
Latin metaphora
Classical Greek μετᾰμορφόω metamorphóō I transform, I disguise
Classical Greek μετᾰμόρφωσῐς metamórphōsis
Classical Greek μετανοέω metanoéō
Classical Greek μέθοδος méthodos path to follow, pursuit, pursuit of knowledge, inquiry, doctrine, method, trick
- Greek μέθοδος méthodos method
- Armenian մեթոդ metʿod method
- Georgian მეთოდი metodi method
- Hebrew מֶתוֹדָה metóda method
Latin methodus method
French méthode method, book
- English method
- Persian متد metod
- Russian ме́тод métod method
Classical Greek μέτοικος métoikos
- Classical Greek Μεθύδριον Methúdrion place name: Between the Waters
- Greek μετα meta- re-
- English meta-
Classical Greek μετα ταῦτα meta taûta along with this
Byzantine Greek μεταῦτα metaûta with compounded and haplology
Proto-Indo-European *me-dʰe- placed with?
Proto-Indo-European *médʰyos
Pre-Albanian *medza
Old Armenian մէջ mēǰ middle, inside
- Armenian մեջ meǰ inside, among
- Georgian მიჯნა miǯna boundary, border
Balto-Slavic *medjas boundary, border, no man's land
East Baltic
- Latvian mežs forest
- Lithuanian mẽdis tree, wood
- Lithuanian mẽdžias forest dialectal
West Baltic
- Old Prussian median forest
Slavic *meďà border, boundary, uncultivated space between fields
East Slavic межа́ mežá
- Russian межа́ mežá boundary, margin, abutment
- Ukrainian межа́ mežá boundary, border, limit, frontier
South Slavic
- Bulgarian междá meždá boundary between fields
- Serbo-Croatian мѐђа mèđa border, boundary, landmark
West Slavic
- Czech mez limit
- Polish miedza uncultivated space between fields, border
Slavic *meďu between, among from the locative dual of *meďà
East Slavic *mežu
- Russian меж mež between, among
- Ukrainian між miž between, among
South Slavic
- Bulgarian между́ meždú between
- Serbo-Croatian ме̏ђу mȅđu between, among
West Slavic
- Czech mezi between, among
- Polish między between
Celtic *medyos middle
Old Irish mide middle, center
Gaulish *Medyolānom place name: Central Plain
Latin Mediolānum
Vulgar Latin *Meiolano
Central Romance
Old High German Meilān
Germanic *midjaz middle
East Germanic
Gothic 𐌼𐌹𐌳𐌾𐌹𐍃 midjis middle
- Albanian midis between, among
North Germanic
Old Norse miðr middle
- Icelandic miður middle
- Swedish mid- mid-
Germanic *midjagardaz the middle enclosure, the world, Midgard
East Germanic
- Gothic 𐌼𐌹𐌳𐌾𐌿𐌽𐌲𐌰𐍂𐌳𐍃 midjungards the inhabited world, ecumene
North Germanic
Old Norse Miðgarðr the Earth, Midgard, the inhabited world
- Danish Midgård
Icelandic Miðgarður
West Germanic
Old English Middanġeard the world, the inhabited world
Old English Middaneard the world, the inhabited world
Germanic *midj(ą/ǭ) middle, center noun
North Germanic
Old Norse miðja center, middle
- Icelandic miðja center, middle
- Swedish midja waist
West Germanic
Old English midd
Old High German mitti middle
- German Mitte middle, center
- Yiddish מיט mit middle
Germanic *midlą middle, means diminutive noun
North Germanic
Old Norse meðal means, medicine
- Icelandic meðal medicine, drug, means
West Germanic
Old English middel
Old High German mittil
- German Mittel agent, appliance, means, remedy, median
- Yiddish מיטל mitl means, resources, middle
Hellenic *métsos
Classical Greek μέσος mésos between, half, moderate
Classical Greek Μεσοποταμίᾱ Mesopotamíā
- English meso-
Illyrian metu- between, among
Illyrian Metubarbis place name: Among the Swamp
Indo-Iranian *mádʰyas middle
- Kashmiri مَنٛز manz inside of, among, between
Sanskrit 𑀫𑀥𑁆𑀬 mádhya middle, center
Magadhi 𑀫𑀚𑁆𑀛 majjha
- Pali 𑀫𑀚𑁆𑀛 majjha
Sauraseni 𑀫𑀚𑁆𑀛 majjha
Madhya Sauraseni
- Hindi में mẽ in, within, into, during, between
Punjabi ਮੰਝ mañjh middle
Punjabi ਮਾਝਾ Mājjhā place name: Central (Punjab), Majha
- Hindi मध्य madhya
Javanese ꦩꦢꦾ madya middle, medium, waist
- Punjabi ਮੱਧ maddh
- Telugu మధ్య madhya middle, central
Sanskrit madhyāhna midday, noon
- Bengali মধ্যাহ্ন môdhẏahnô midday, noon
- Telugu మధ్యాహ్నము madhyāhnamu midday, noon
Iranian *mádyah middle
- Avestan 𐬨𐬀𐬌𐬜𐬌𐬌𐬁𐬌 maiδiiāi at the center locative
Northern Iranian
- Pashto ملا mla waist
Iranian *mádyanah middle, waist noun
- Avestan 𐬨𐬀𐬌𐬜𐬌𐬌𐬁𐬥𐬀 maiδiiāna
Northern Iranian
Western Iranian
Northwestern Iranian
Parthian 𐫖𐫅𐫏𐫀𐫗 maẟyān
Arabic ميدان maydān open space, public square, battlefield, field of study
- Armenian մեյդան meydan public square
Persian میدان meydân plaza, public square, field
- Georgian მოედანი moedani arena, plaza, public square
- Hindi मैदान maidān park, lawn, sports field
- Telugu మైదానము maidānamu court, field, meadow
Ottoman Turkish میدان meydân
- Turkish meydan public square, plaza, open space
- Armenian մեյդան meydan public square
- Romanian maidan open space
- Serbo-Croatian мѐјда̄н mèjdān public square, field, public exposition
- Serbo-Croatian мѐгда̄н mègdān battlefield, dueling ground, duel, battle, competition
- Russian майда́н majdán public square
Ukrainian майда́н majdán public square
Ukrainian Євромайда́н Jevromajdán Euromaidan
Old Persian *madyānaʰ
- Persian میان miyân middle, center
- Elamite 𒈠𒋾𒂊𒈾 ma-ti-e-na
Nuristani *máǰa
Italic *meðjos
- Oscan 𐌌𐌄𐌚𐌉𐌞 mefiú
Latin medius middle, half, moderate
Central Romance
- Dalmatian mesu middle, half with influence from mēnsus: "measured"
Italian mezzo half, middle, means, method, vehicle
Eastern Romance
- Romanian miez core, heart, pulp
Insular Romance
- Sardinian mesu half with influence from mēnsus: "measured"
Western Romance
Latin medium middle, center, medium, community, public, publicity neuter substantive
- English medium
Latin media
Latin mediālis of the middle, medial
- English medial
Latin mediālia
Vulgar Latin *medālia a thing in the middle, a half thing, esp. a half-denarius coin
Central Romance
Italian medaglia medal
French médaille medal
- English medal
- Vietnamese mề đay medallion, crest
French médaillon medallion
Insular Romance
Western Romance
- Spanish meaja a small coin
Latin medi- mid-
Western Romance
Latin mediānus
Central Romance
Italian mezzano average, mean, medium, middle, mizzen
French misaine
Italian mezzanino mezzanine
Western Romance
Old Occitan mitjan middle, mizzen
- Catalan mitjana mean, average, mizzen, median strip
French misaine
Old French meien
- French moyen middle, average, medium, way, method, means
- English mean
- English median
Old Irish medón middle
- Irish meán mid, central, middle, average, waist
Latin medietās center, middle part, midpoint, half
Central Romance
- Italian metà half, center, mid-
Western Romance
French moitié half, significant other
- Spanish mitad half
Latin *dimidietās
Eastern Romance
- Romanian jumătate half possibly influenced by unrelated Pre-Albanian *jūmatjā: half"
Latin *medī-diēs mid-day
Latin merīdiēs midday, noon, south dissimilation of 'd'
Central Romance
Eastern Romance
- Romanian meriză palce where cattle rest at noon
Latin ante meridiem before noon
Latin post meridiem after noon
Latin merīdiānus relating to midday, southern
French méridien relating to midday, meridian
Latin mediterrāneus inland, surrounded by land
- French méditerrané inland
Latin Mare Mediterrāneum place name: Sea in the Middle of the Land
English Mediterranean Sea
Italian Mar Mediterraneo
- Italian mediterraneo mediterranean
Latin mediocris middling, moderate, ordinary, mediocre, tolerable
New Latin mediaevus a middle age
New Latin mediaevālis of a middle age, medieval
Latin dīmidius half, halved ~"into two pieces at the middle"
Western Romance
- Welsh dimei a halfpenny
Latin *dimidietās
Eastern Romance
- Romanian jumătate half possibly influenced by unrelated Pre-Albanian *jūmatjā: half"
Latin mediāre to halve, to divide in the middle, to be in the middle
Latin medulla marrow
Central Romance
- Italian midolla pulp, pith, breadcrumbs
Eastern Romance
Western Romance
- French moelle marrow, spinal cord, pith
- English medulla
Messapian *mess-?
Messapian *Messapi-? place name: Between the Waters with [h₂ep-: "water"]
Classical Greek Μεσσάπιος Messápios a Messapian
Proto-Indo-European *medʰeros more central? comparative
Tocharian *mäcǝre- southern
- Arshian mäcriṃ southern
Kushean *mutruñ
- Kushean omutruññaiṣṣe southern
Proto-Indo-European *mé-ǵʰ(s)ri at hand, near with *ǵʰes-: "hand" in the locative
- Albanian ndjerë near, at, until
Old Armenian մերձ merj near, about
Classical Greek μέχρῐ mékhri as far as, up to, until
- Greek μέχρι méchri as far as, until

Collected English words
Middle Earth,
Mediterranean Sea,