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  1. Word Family - Column

    July theme: Architecture 🏛️


    excel, column, hill

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    • Proto-Indo-European kelH- to rise, to be tall
      • Proto-Indo-European *kl̥néH-ti ne- imperfective
        • Italic *kelnō
          • Latin *cellō to rise
            • Latin excellō I elevate, I raise up, I rise, I exult, I excel
              • Western Romance
                • French exceller to excel
                  • English excel
                • Italian eccellere …
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  2. Word Family - Door

    July theme: Architecture 🏛️


    door, hors d'oeuvre, foreign, forest, Dvorak

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    • Proto-Indo-European *dʰwer- door, gate
      • Proto-Indo-European *dʰwṓr door Gen. *dʰurés
        • Anatolian
          • Hittite *durza
            • Hittite 𒀭𒄙𒍝 an-dur-za indoors
        • Pre-Albanian *dœrə
          • Albanian derë door, home, family
        • Armenian
          • Old Armenian դուռն duṙn door, entrance, mountain pass, palace, court, retinue
            • Armenian դուռ duṙ …
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