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  1. Word Family - Android

    August theme: Science Fiction 🤖


    android, Andromeda, Alexander, Nero, Andrew

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    • Proto-Indo-European *h₂nḗr (adult/married) man
      • Proto-Albanian *nera
        • Old Albanian njer
          • Albanian njeri man
      • Hellenic *anḗr
        • Classical Greek ἀνήρ anḗr (adult) man, husband, mortal
          • Greek άνδρας ándras (adult) man, husband
          • Classical Greek ἀνδρο- andro-
            • English andro-
              • English android
                • English …
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  2. Word Family - Robot

    August theme: Science fiction 🤖


    orphan, robot

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    • Proto-Indo-European *h₃erbʰ- to be part of (a group or family)?, to owe allegiance to?, to change owernship?
      • Anatolian
        • Hittite ḫarp- to associate with, to go over to, to change allegiance
      • Proto-Indo-European *h₃orbʰyo-m inheritance? plural: *h₃orbʰyéh₂
        • Celtic *orbyom inheritance plural: *orbyā
          • Old …
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