petit four,
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Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰer- warm, hot
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰéreti warms root imperfective
Pre-Albanian *džera
Pre-Albanian *džernja
- Albanian ziej I boil, I cook
Celtic *gʷereti warms
- Celtic *uɸo-gʷereti
- Old Irish fo·geir to heat, to warm, to inflame, to irritate
Hellenic *kʷʰérō
- Classical Greek θέρω thérō I heat, I become warm, I burn
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰr̥néwti warms -nw- imperfective
Old Armenian ջեռնում ǰeṙnum to get warm, to be warmed, to get angry or excited, to burn (instransitve)
Armenian ջեռանալ ǰeṙanal to get warm
- Armenian ջեռակ ǰeṙak hot water bottle
Germanic *brinnanã
East Germanic
- Gothic 𐌱𐍂𐌹𐌽𐌽𐌰𐌽 brinnan to burn
North Germanic
Old Norse brinna to burn
- Danish brænde to burn, to roast, to cremate, to sting
- Icelandic brenna to burn
West Germanic
Old English biernan to burn
Old High German brinnan to burn
- German brinnen to burn archaic
Indo-Iranian *gʰr̥náwti
- Sanskrit 𑀖𑀾𑀡𑁄𑀢𑀺 ghṛṇóti burns, shines, sprinkles and/or from *gʰer-: "to rub, to smear"
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰigʷʰérti warms reduplicative imperfective
Indo-Iranian *ǰʰigʰárti
Indo-Aryan *ȷ́igʰárti
- Sanskrit 𑀚𑀺𑀖𑀭𑁆𑀢𑀺 jígharti shines
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰréh₁(ye)ti is warm -eh₁- stative
Pre-Albanian *grāja
Pre-Albanian *en-grāja
- Albanian ngroh I warm, I heat
Balto-Slavic *grḗˀtei
Slavic *grěti to warm, to heat, to shine
East Slavic грѣти grěti
- Russian греть gretʹ to heat
- Ukrainian грі́ти hríty to radiate heat (instransitive), to heat up
South Slavic
- Bulgarian гре́я гре́я to heat, to warm up, to shine
- Old Church Slavonic грѣꙗти grějati
- Serbo-Croatian грејати grejati to heat, to warm
West Slavic
- Czech hřát to warm
- Polish grzać to heat, to warm, to fight
Slavic *grě̃xъ sin
East Slavic грѣхъ grěxŭ
Russian грех grex sin, fault
- Ukrainian гріх hrix sin, fault
South Slavic
- Bulgarian грях grjah sin, error, fault
- Old Church Slavonic грѣхъ grěxŭ sin
- Serbo-Croatian грије̑х grijȇh sin
West Slavic
- Czech hřích sin
- Polish grzech sin
Hellenic *kʷʰeréyō
- Classical Greek θερέω theréō
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰegʷʰór-e is warm reduplicative stative
Balto-Slavic *garḗˀtei
East Baltic
- Lithuanian garė́ti to boil, to steam, to evaporate
Slavic *gorěti to burn (instrans.)
East Slavic
- Russian горе́ть gorétʹ to burn (intrans.), to be on fire, to be lit, to flush, to gleam
- Ukrainian горі́ти horíty to burn (intrans.)
South Slavic
- Bulgarian горя́ gorjá to burn (trans. or intrans.), to sting (trans.), to have a fever, to crave)
- Old Church Slavonic горѣти gorěti to burn (intrans.)
- Serbo-Croatian го̀рјети gòrjeti to burn (intrans.), to be lit, to blaze, to glow
West Slavic
- Czech hořet to burn, to feel strongly
- Polish gorzeć to glow, to flush
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰoréyeti heats, makes warm causative
Celtic *gʷorīti
- Welsh gori to brood, to incubate, to keep warm
Old Irish
- Irish gor to incubate, to brood, to warm, to burn, to blush
Galician gorar to addle, to spoil, to covet
- Galician goro incubated, but unfertilized egg
- Portuguese gorar to addle, to miscarry
Old Spanish gorar
Old Spanish guero unfertilized egg
- Spanish huero vain, empty
- Spanish güero light-skinned person Mexican Spanish; semantic shift from "sickly" physical, not cultural like gringo;
Indo-Iranian *gʰaráyati
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰéros heat, warm weather
Old Armenian ջեր ǰer heat, warmth, sunny weather, warm, clear
- Armenian ջեռ ǰeṙ warm, bright, shining
Balto-Slavic *géras heat, glowing embers
West Baltic
- Old Prussian goro ash pit
Slavic *žarъ heat, glow
East Slavic жаръ žarŭ
Russian жар žar heat, fever, embers, fervor
Russian жар-пти́ца žar-ptíca firebird, phoenix
- Russian Жар-птица Žar-ptíca (Stravinsky's) The Firebird
South Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian жа̑р žȃr fervor, embers
- Hungarian zsarátnok embers
- Romanian jar burning coals, heat, glow, fire
West Slavic
Polish żar embers, heat
- Polish żarówka (incandescent) light bulb
Hellenic *kʷʰéros
Classical Greek θέρος théros heat, summer, harvest
Classical Greek θερινός therinós of summer
Greek θερινός therinós of summer
- Greek θερινή ώρα theriní óra summer time, daylight saving time
Indo-Iranian *ǰʰáras
Indo-Aryan *źʰáras
- Vedic Sanskrit háras flame, fire
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰérmn̥
Old Armenian ջերմն ǰermn fever, heat
- Armenian ջերմ ǰerm fever, warmth, warm, warmly, passionate, tender
Germanic *bermô yeast, leven
West Germanic
Old English beorma yeast, leaven, beerhead
Old Saxon *berma
Low German Bärme
- Danish bærme dregs
- Estonian pärm yeast
Italic *xʷermen
Italic *xʷermentom
Latin fermentum fermentation, leavening, yeast, passion
Latin fermentō I ferment, I leaven, I break up, I loosen, I spoil
Eastern Romance
- Romanian a frământa to knead, to churn, to agitate, to work, to fret
French fermenter to ferment
- Italian fermentàre to ferment
- Spanish fermentar to ferment
Latin fermentātiō fermentation
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰermós warm
- Old Armenian ջերմ ǰerm
Hellenic *kʷʰermós
Classical Greek θερμός thermós warm, hot, hotheaded, active
- Greek θερμός thermós warm, hot, fervent, heartfelt
German Thermos company/product name for a vacuum flask
English Thermos
English thermos
- Greek θερμός thermós thermos, vacuum flask
Classical Greek θερμο- thermo-
Classical Greek Θερμοπῠ́λαι Thermopúlai Hot-Gates (place name), Thermopylae
- Greek Θερμοπύλες Thermopýles Thermopylae
Latin Thermopylae
- Classical Greek θερμοφῠ́λᾰξ thermophúlax kettle lit. "heat guard"
- English thermo-
French thermo-
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰerméh₂ warmth de-adjectival noun
Pre-Albanian *džerma
Hellenic *kʷʰermá
Classical Greek θέρμη thermē
French thermal thermal learned coinage from Greek, 1756
Classical Greek Γέρμη Gérmē Germa, place name
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰermih₂
Indo-Iranian *gʰarmi
Iranian *garmi
Western Iranian
Old Persian
- Persian گرمی garmi warmth, heat
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰormós
Balto-Slavic *garmas
Germanic *warmaz
North Germanic
Old Norse varmr warm
- Danish varm warm, hot
- Icelandic varmur warm (archaic)
West Germanic
Old English wearm warm
Frankish *warm
Old High German warm
- German warm warm
- Yiddish וואַרעם varem warm
Germanic *warmijanã to warm, to heat
East Germanic
- Gothic 𐍅𐌰𐍂𐌼𐌾𐌰𐌽 warmjan to warm, to keep warm, to cherish
North Germanic
Old Norse verma to warm, to heat
- Icelandic verma to warm, to heat
- Swedish värma to warm, to heat
West Germanic *wermijan
Old English werman to warm, to heat
Frankish *wermen
Old High German wermen
Italic *xʷormos warm
- Latin formos warm (archaic)
Italic *xʷormokaps warm-catcher, tongs
Latin forceps tongs, forceps, pincers
Western Romance
- English forceps
Indo-Iranian *gʰarmás
Indo-Aryan *gʰarmás
Sanskrit 𑀖𑀭𑁆𑀫 gharmá heat, warmth, warm weather, sunshine
Maharashtri 𑀖𑀫𑁆𑀫 ghamma
- Pali 𑀖𑀫𑁆𑀫 ghamma
- Nepali घाम ghām sunlight, sun, heat of the sun
- Romani kham sun
Iranian *garmáh
Northern Iranian
Western Iranian
Northwestern Iranian
Old Persian
Persian گرم garm warm, hot, friendly, passionate
- Hindi गर्म garm warm, hot, active, fresh, angry
- Malay gêram angry
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰornós
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰr̥nós
Balto-Slavic *gurnas
Slavic *gъrnъ
East Slavic горнъ gornŭ cauldron, pot, oven
- Russian горн gorn fireplace, furnace, forge
South Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian грно grno heart
West Slavic *gъrnъ
West Slavic *gъrnьcь diminutive
- Czech hrnec cooking pot
- Polish garnek cooking pot
Slavic *gъrnidlo furnace
East Slavic гърнило gŭrnilo
- Russian горни́ло gornílo furnace
South Slavic
- Old Church Slavonic грънилъ grŭnilŭ
- Serbo-Croatian грнил grnil
Indo-Iranian *gʰr̥nás
Sanskrit 𑀖𑀾𑀡 ghṛṇá heat, ardor, sunshine
Sanskrit 𑀖𑀾𑀡𑀸 ghṛṇā́ hatred, malice
- Hindi घिन ghin hatred, scorn, contempt
Italic *xʷornos
Latin furnus oven, bakery
Vulgar Latin
- Sardinian forru oven
Eastern Romance
Western Romance
French four oven, stove
French petit four petit four, a small cake
- Italian forno oven, bakery
- Spanish horno oven, furnace
- Albanian furrë oven, kiln, bakery
Koine Greek φούρνος foúrnos oven, bakery, furnace
Aramaic 𐡐𐡅𐡓𐡍𐡀 phurna
Arabic فرن furn oven, bakery, furnace
Old Armenian փուռն pʿuṙn oven, kiln
- Armenian փուռ pʿuṙ oven, bakery
- Turkish fırın oven
- Georgian ფურნე purne bakery
Old Irish sorn oven, furnace, kiln
- Irish sorn furnace, stone
Vulgar Latin *furnellus diminutive
- Sardinian forredhu
Western Romance
Old French fornel
- French fourneau stove, bowl of a pipe
- Italian fornello stove, burner, hot plate
- Spanish hornillo hot plate, camp stove
Latin furnārius baker
Western Romance
- Italian fornaio baker
- Italian Furnari Baker (occupational surname) presumably from the Latin vocative
- Italian Fornaro Baker (occupational surname)
Sicilian furnaru
Spanish hornero baker, hornero (bird)
- Translingual Furnarius taxonomic genus of hornero birds
Latin fornāx oven, furnace, kiln apparently "warm-ish"?
Western Romance
Old French fornais furnace
- French fournaise furnace, oven
- English furnace
- Irish foirnéis furnace
Latin Fornax Roman divinity of ovens
New Latin Fornax The Furnace, a winter constellation in the Southern Hemisphere
Slavic *gȍře grief, suffering
East Slavic
- Russian го́ре góre grief, distress, trouble, disaster
West Slavic
- Czech hoře grief (archaic)
- Old Polish gorze distress, woe
Germanic *gurã feces, filth, half-digested stomach contents
North Germanic
- Old Norse gor cud
Finnic *kura
- Finnish kura mud, dirt, diarrhea
West Germanic *gor
Old English gor dirt, dung, feces
- Dutch goor dirty, filthy, disgusting
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰrḗn gut, stomach, seat of emotions and/or thought
Slavic *grě̑nь blaze, rot, puss
East Slavic
South Slavic
Bulgarian гран gran rot
- Bulgarian грани́в graniv rotten, a dirty yellow or orange color
- Slovene grénək bitter
Germanic *gruniz
North Germanic
- Old Norse grunr doubt, uncertainty, suspicion
Classical Greek φρήν phrḗn midriff, stomach, seat of emotions and appetite, seat of the mind, will
Classical Greek Λῠκόφρων Lukóphrōn Wolf-Mind (personal name)
Classical Greek σώφρων sṓphrōn of sound mind, sane, prudent, sober
Classical Greek σωφροσῠ́νη sōphrosúnē moderation, sanity, self-control, temperance
Classical Greek φρονέω phronéō I think, I understand, I am prudent, I consider
Classical Greek φρόνησῐς phrónēsis prudence, wisdom
Classical Greek φρενῖτις phrenîtis inflammation of the mind, inflammation of the brain
Latin phrenītis
Classical Greek φρενῑτικός phrenītikós
Latin phrenēticus mad, delirious
Old French frenetike
- French frénétique frenetic, frantic
- English frantic
- English frenetic
Classical Greek *phrénēsis variant of phrenītikós
Latin phrenesis madness, delirium, frenzy
Old French frenesie
- French frénésie frenzy
- English frenzy
Italic xrēn
Latin rēn kidney
Vulgar Latin *rene
Eastern Romance
- Romanian rână the two sides of the body
Western Romance
- French rein kidney, lower back, waist
- Albanian rrâni kidney
Vulgar Latin *rēniō
Western Romance
French rognon kidney (cooking)
- Italian rognone kidney (cooking)
- Spanish riñón kidney, hematite
Vulgar Latin *renicāre
Vulgar Latin *derenicāre
Eastern Romance
- Romanian a dărâna to wear out, to exhaust
Western Romance
- Italian direnare
- Spanish derrengar to bend, to twist, to wear out
Latin rēnālis of the kidneys
Latin rēniculus
Vulgar Latin rēniclus
- Sardinian arrigu
Eastern Romance

Collected English words
petit four,