Latin Mercury is fairly mysterious. Mercury as a god of commerce seems obviously related to merx: "merchandise, commodity", and in Faliscan and possibly Oscan votive tablets, a cognate to merx (or rather its dative mercii as expected in context) appears as a divine name: Mercui, Mirikui. But in Latin merx does not appear as a divine name, instead there is Mercurius. But it must be related. Probably.
Italic *merks itself is also hard to trace. Various attempts have been made to connect it to an Indo-European etymology, some of which I explore here: to *(s)mer-: "to assign, to allot" (which may or may not be related to *mer-: "to die" and/or *(s)mer-: "to think about, to care for, to remember"); and to *merǵ-: "to divide, boundary, border". *merks's declension is consistent with a feminine mobile-accented root noun formed from any of those roots, plus or minus a reasonable amount of paradigm leveling.
But an Etruscan borrowing is probably most likely, if something of a dead end; *merks is entirely consistent with Etruscan phonology and with the -s nominative found in other divine names.
Full Text
Proto-Indo-European *merkʷ- to take, to hold
- Arshian märk- to take away
Proto-Indo-European *merkʷti??
Hellenic *merptō
- Classical Greek μάρπτω márptō I take hold of, I grasp, I seize, I overtake
Proto-Indo-European *merkʷs
Italic *merks dative *merkei
- Faliscan 𐌌𐌄𐌓𐌂𐌖𐌉 Mercui a divine name dative
- Oscan 𐌌𐌉𐌓𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌉 Mirikui probably a divine name dative
Latin Mercurius
- English Mercury
Brythonic *Merxür Wednesday, Mercury
Welsh Mercher Wednesday, Mercury
- Welsh dydd Mercher Wednesday
Latin dies Mercurii
Central Romance
- Italian mercoledì Wednesday
Eastern Romance
- Aromanian Njercuri Wednesday
- Romanian miercuri Wednesday
Insular Romance
- Sardinian mélcuris Wednesday
Western Romance
- French mercredi Wednesday
- Spanish miércoles Wednesday
West Germanic *wōdanas dag Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of Latin dies Mercurii
Old Norse óðinsdagr Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of West Germanic *Wōdanas dag
Old English wōdnesdæġ Wednesday
- Middle English Wodnesdai Wednesday
Old English *wēdnesdæġ Wednesday
Middle English Wednesdei Wednesday
Frankish *wuodenesdag
Dutch woensdag Wednesday
- Dutch Woen partially back-formed from woensdag
Latin mercurius mercury
English mercury
- French mercure mercury
Vulgar Latin *mercuriāgo annual mercury
Western Romance
- Catalan melcoratge annual mercury
Latin merx merchandise, commodity
Central Romance
- Italian merce goods, products
- Basque merke cheap
Latin merces wages, reward, income, penalty, rent oblique stem merced-
Central Romance
- Italian mercede compensation, merit, pity, mercy
Insular Romance
Western Romance
French merci
Spanish merced
- English Merced
Spanish María de las Mercedes Mary of the Mercies
Spanish Mercedes
French Mercédès
- English Mercedes
Spanish vuestra merced honorific: your mercy, your grace
Latin mercenarius hired, mercenary
Latin commercium trade, commerce, exchange
Central Romance
- Italian commercio commerce, trade, market
Sicilian cummerciu
French commerce
- English commerce
- Romanian comerț commerce, trade
Byzantine Greek κομμέρκιον kommérkion trade, traffic, commerce, customs, revenue
Ottoman Turkish كمرك gümrük custom house, customs, tariff
- Turkish gümrük custom house, duty, tariff
- Arabic جمرك jumruk customs
- Persian گمرک gomrok customs
- Spanish comercio trade, shop
Latin mercari to trade, to sell
Western Romance
Latin mercans oblique stem mercant-
Central Romance
- Italian mercante merchant, dealer, trader
Western Romance
- Spanish mercante merchant
Old French
- French marchand vendor, merchant
- English merchant
Latin mercatus
Central Romance
Insular Romance
Western Romance
Late Latin marcatus late variant
Western Romance
Old French marchié(t) market, marketplace
- French marché
English market
- Hindi मार्केट mārkeṭ market, mall
- Japanese マーケット māketto market
- Spanish marqueta
West Germanic *markat
Frankish *markat
Old High German
- German Markt market
Old High German jarmarkat fair lit. "year-market"
German Jahrmarkt fair
- Czech jarmark fair
Polish jarmark fair, bazaar
Russian ярмарка jarmarka fair
- Kazakh жәрмеңке järmeñke fair
Ukrainian ярмарок jarmarok fair
Old Norse markaðr market
Danish marked market, fair, emporium
- Icelandic markaður market, marketplace, fair
- Irish margadh market, bargain, argreement
- Welsh marchnad market
Italic *merks dative *merkei
- Faliscan 𐌌𐌄𐌓𐌂𐌖𐌉 Mercui a divine name dative
- Oscan 𐌌𐌉𐌓𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌉 Mirikui probably a divine name dative
Latin Mercurius
- English Mercury
Brythonic *Merxür Wednesday, Mercury
Welsh Mercher Wednesday, Mercury
- Welsh dydd Mercher Wednesday
Latin dies Mercurii
Central Romance
- Italian mercoledì Wednesday
Eastern Romance
- Aromanian Njercuri Wednesday
- Romanian miercuri Wednesday
Insular Romance
- Sardinian mélcuris Wednesday
Western Romance
- French mercredi Wednesday
- Spanish miércoles Wednesday
West Germanic *wōdanas dag Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of Latin dies Mercurii
Old Norse óðinsdagr Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of West Germanic *Wōdanas dag
Old English wōdnesdæġ Wednesday
- Middle English Wodnesdai Wednesday
Old English *wēdnesdæġ Wednesday
Middle English Wednesdei Wednesday
Frankish *wuodenesdag
Dutch woensdag Wednesday
- Dutch Woen partially back-formed from woensdag
Latin mercurius mercury
English mercury
- French mercure mercury
Vulgar Latin *mercuriāgo annual mercury
Western Romance
- Catalan melcoratge annual mercury
Latin merx merchandise, commodity
Central Romance
- Italian merce goods, products
- Basque merke cheap
Latin merces wages, reward, income, penalty, rent oblique stem merced-
Central Romance
- Italian mercede compensation, merit, pity, mercy
Insular Romance
Western Romance
French merci
Spanish merced
- English Merced
Spanish María de las Mercedes Mary of the Mercies
Spanish Mercedes
French Mercédès
- English Mercedes
Spanish vuestra merced honorific: your mercy, your grace
Latin mercenarius hired, mercenary
Latin commercium trade, commerce, exchange
Central Romance
- Italian commercio commerce, trade, market
Sicilian cummerciu
French commerce
- English commerce
- Romanian comerț commerce, trade
Byzantine Greek κομμέρκιον kommérkion trade, traffic, commerce, customs, revenue
Ottoman Turkish كمرك gümrük custom house, customs, tariff
- Turkish gümrük custom house, duty, tariff
- Arabic جمرك jumruk customs
- Persian گمرک gomrok customs
- Spanish comercio trade, shop
Latin mercari to trade, to sell
Western Romance
Latin mercans oblique stem mercant-
Central Romance
- Italian mercante merchant, dealer, trader
Western Romance
- Spanish mercante merchant
Old French
- French marchand vendor, merchant
- English merchant
Latin mercatus
Central Romance
Insular Romance
Western Romance
Late Latin marcatus late variant
Western Romance
Old French marchié(t) market, marketplace
- French marché
English market
- Hindi मार्केट mārkeṭ market, mall
- Japanese マーケット māketto market
- Spanish marqueta
West Germanic *markat
Frankish *markat
Old High German
- German Markt market
Old High German jarmarkat fair lit. "year-market"
German Jahrmarkt fair
- Czech jarmark fair
Polish jarmark fair, bazaar
Russian ярмарка jarmarka fair
- Kazakh жәрмеңке järmeñke fair
Ukrainian ярмарок jarmarok fair
Old Norse markaðr market
Danish marked market, fair, emporium
- Icelandic markaður market, marketplace, fair
- Irish margadh market, bargain, argreement
- Welsh marchnad market
Latin Mercurius
- English Mercury
Brythonic *Merxür Wednesday, Mercury
Welsh Mercher Wednesday, Mercury
- Welsh dydd Mercher Wednesday
Latin dies Mercurii
Central Romance
- Italian mercoledì Wednesday
Eastern Romance
- Aromanian Njercuri Wednesday
- Romanian miercuri Wednesday
Insular Romance
- Sardinian mélcuris Wednesday
Western Romance
- French mercredi Wednesday
- Spanish miércoles Wednesday
West Germanic *wōdanas dag Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of Latin dies Mercurii
Old Norse óðinsdagr Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of West Germanic *Wōdanas dag
Old English wōdnesdæġ Wednesday
- Middle English Wodnesdai Wednesday
Old English *wēdnesdæġ Wednesday
Middle English Wednesdei Wednesday
Frankish *wuodenesdag
Dutch woensdag Wednesday
- Dutch Woen partially back-formed from woensdag
Latin mercurius mercury
English mercury
- French mercure mercury
Vulgar Latin *mercuriāgo annual mercury
Western Romance
- Catalan melcoratge annual mercury
Proto-Indo-European *merǵ- to divide, boundary, border
Proto-Indo-European *mérǵs
Italic *merks dative *merkei
- Faliscan 𐌌𐌄𐌓𐌂𐌖𐌉 Mercui a divine name dative
- Oscan 𐌌𐌉𐌓𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌉 Mirikui probably a divine name dative
Latin Mercurius
- English Mercury
Brythonic *Merxür Wednesday, Mercury
Welsh Mercher Wednesday, Mercury
- Welsh dydd Mercher Wednesday
Latin dies Mercurii
Central Romance
- Italian mercoledì Wednesday
Eastern Romance
- Aromanian Njercuri Wednesday
- Romanian miercuri Wednesday
Insular Romance
- Sardinian mélcuris Wednesday
Western Romance
- French mercredi Wednesday
- Spanish miércoles Wednesday
West Germanic *wōdanas dag Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of Latin dies Mercurii
Old Norse óðinsdagr Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of West Germanic *Wōdanas dag
Old English wōdnesdæġ Wednesday
- Middle English Wodnesdai Wednesday
Old English *wēdnesdæġ Wednesday
Middle English Wednesdei Wednesday
Frankish *wuodenesdag
Dutch woensdag Wednesday
- Dutch Woen partially back-formed from woensdag
Latin mercurius mercury
English mercury
- French mercure mercury
Vulgar Latin *mercuriāgo annual mercury
Western Romance
- Catalan melcoratge annual mercury
Latin merx merchandise, commodity
Central Romance
- Italian merce goods, products
- Basque merke cheap
Latin merces wages, reward, income, penalty, rent oblique stem merced-
Central Romance
- Italian mercede compensation, merit, pity, mercy
Insular Romance
Western Romance
French merci
Spanish merced
- English Merced
Spanish María de las Mercedes Mary of the Mercies
Spanish Mercedes
French Mercédès
- English Mercedes
Spanish vuestra merced honorific: your mercy, your grace
Latin mercenarius hired, mercenary
Latin commercium trade, commerce, exchange
Central Romance
- Italian commercio commerce, trade, market
Sicilian cummerciu
French commerce
- English commerce
- Romanian comerț commerce, trade
Byzantine Greek κομμέρκιον kommérkion trade, traffic, commerce, customs, revenue
Ottoman Turkish كمرك gümrük custom house, customs, tariff
- Turkish gümrük custom house, duty, tariff
- Arabic جمرك jumruk customs
- Persian گمرک gomrok customs
- Spanish comercio trade, shop
Latin mercari to trade, to sell
Western Romance
Latin mercans oblique stem mercant-
Central Romance
- Italian mercante merchant, dealer, trader
Western Romance
- Spanish mercante merchant
Old French
- French marchand vendor, merchant
- English merchant
Latin mercatus
Central Romance
Insular Romance
Western Romance
Late Latin marcatus late variant
Western Romance
Old French marchié(t) market, marketplace
- French marché
English market
- Hindi मार्केट mārkeṭ market, mall
- Japanese マーケット māketto market
- Spanish marqueta
West Germanic *markat
Frankish *markat
Old High German
- German Markt market
Old High German jarmarkat fair lit. "year-market"
German Jahrmarkt fair
- Czech jarmark fair
Polish jarmark fair, bazaar
Russian ярмарка jarmarka fair
- Kazakh жәрмеңке järmeñke fair
Ukrainian ярмарок jarmarok fair
Old Norse markaðr market
Danish marked market, fair, emporium
- Icelandic markaður market, marketplace, fair
- Irish margadh market, bargain, argreement
- Welsh marchnad market
Proto-Indo-European *mórǵs frontier, border
Celtic *mrogis
Brythonic *broɣ country, region, territory
- Welsh bro region, country, nieghborhood, border, limit, boundary
Brythonic *kömroɣ compatriot
Cumbric *Cumbri
- English Cumbria
- English Cumberland
- Welsh Cymry
- Welsh Cymro
Medieval Latin Cambria
Gaulish *brogis
Gaulish *Allobrogis Foreginers, Exiles
- Classical Greek Ἀλλόβριγες Allobriges
- Latin Allobroges
Gaulish *brogilos diminutive
Old French
- French breuil copse, grove
- German Brühl meadow
- Italian brolo vegetable garden
Old Irish mruig march, borderland, country, territory
- Irish brugh district, mansion, castle
Indo-Iranian *marȷ́iš
Iranian *marȷjiš
- Avestan 𐬨𐬀𐬭𐬆𐬰𐬀 marəza frontier
Western Iranian
Old Persian
Middle Persian 𐭬𐭫𐭢 marz
- Persian مرز marz border, frontier, region
- Armenian մարզ marz region
Middle Persian 𐭬𐭫𐭢𐭯𐭠𐭭 marzban border guard, marzban
- Persian مرزبان marzbân border guard, marzban
- Arabic مرزبان marzubān
- Armenian մարզպան marzpan
- English marzban
Proto-Indo-European morǵeh₂
Germanic *markō border, boundary, region, area
East Germanic
- Gothic 𐌼𐌰𐍂𐌺𐌰 marka border, region, coast
North Germanic *marku
Old Norse mǫrk borderland, woodland, forest
- Danish mark field
- Icelandic mörk woodland, forest, borderland
- North Germanic ᚨᛚᛃᚨᛗᚨᚱᚲᛁᛉ aljamarkiʀ foreigner
West Germanic
Old English mearc boundary, limit
- English mark
Old English Mierċe
Frankish *marku
Dutch mark march, border region
Old French marche boundary, border region
- French marche
- English march
Old French marchis marquis, border-lord
French marquis
- English marquis
- English marquess
French marquise
- English marquis
Old French marchion
Old French marchionissa marchioness, wife of a border-lord
- Germanic *markōmann(ô)
Latin margo accusative marginem
Central Romance
Western Romance
Old French
- French marge margin, border
- English margin
Old Spanish marzen
- English margin
Old Spanish marjen
Polish margines margin from the Latin plural
- Ukrainian маргіне́с marhinés margin
Proto-Indo-European morǵóm
Germanic *marką mark, sign, stamp
North Germanic
Old Norse mǫrk mark (unit of weight or value)
- Danish mark mark (unit of weight or value)
- Icelandic mörk mark (unit of weight)
West Germanic
Old English mearc mark, sign, character
- Dutch merk mark, logo, brand
Old French marc
Germanic *markōną to mark, to notice
North Germanic
Old Norse marka
- Icelandic marka to mark, to notice
West Germanic *markōn
Old English mearcian to mark
Frankish *markōn to mark out, to press a footprint into
Old French marchier to walk, to travel by foot
French marcher
- English march
- Old High German markon
Germanic *markijaną
North Germanic
Old Norse merkja to mark, to notice
- Icelandic merkja to mark, to label, to mean, to notice
West Germanic *markijan
Frankish *merken
- Dutch merken to mark, to notice
Old High German merken
- German merken to notice, to realize, to memorize
Proto-Indo-European *mer- to assign, to allot
Proto-Indo-European *merti
Pre-Albanian *maren-
- Hittite 𒈥𒀝𒍣 mar-ak-zi to cut up, to divide, to separate
Proto-Indo-European *méryeti ye imperfective
Hellenic *méřřomai
- Classical Greek μείρομαι I receive my portion
Proto-Indo-European *mréh₁yeti iterative, causative, or intensive verb
Italic *merēzi to deserve
- Faliscan mereto derserved
Latin merere to deserve, to merit, to earn
Latin meritum merit, service, value
Western Romance
Old French merite
- French mérite merit
- English merit
Latin merenda light evening meal, afternoon lunch "that which should be earned"?
Central Romance
- Dalmatian marianda light meal, snack
- Italian merenda snack, tea, picnic, break
Eastern Romance
- Romanian merinde food, especially packed for work or travelling
Western Romance
Old French marende
- Bourguignon mairande food
Romansh marenda
- German Marend afternoon snack dialectal
Spanish merienda afternoon snack, tea
Latin emerere to earn, to gain by service, to serve one's time
Latin emeritus having been earned, having served, having served one's time
Proto-Indo-European *méros
Hellenic *méros
- Classical Greek μέρος méros part, component, region, (one's) turn, destiny
Proto-Indo-European *móros
Hellenic *móros
- Classical Greek μόρος móros fate, doom, death, corpse
Proto-Indo-European *mórih₂
Hellenic *móřřa
Classical Greek μοῖρα moîra part, portion, degree, destiny
Classical Greek Μοῖραι Moîrai the Fates
Proto-Indo-European mr̥stós
Celtic *marstos fate, untimely death
- Middle Welsh marth sorrow, disgrace
Old Irish
- Middle Irish mairt violent death, massacre
Proto-Indo-European *merk- root extension
Proto-Indo-European *mérks
Italic *merks dative *merkei
- Faliscan 𐌌𐌄𐌓𐌂𐌖𐌉 Mercui a divine name dative
- Oscan 𐌌𐌉𐌓𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌉 Mirikui probably a divine name dative
Latin Mercurius
- English Mercury
Brythonic *Merxür Wednesday, Mercury
Welsh Mercher Wednesday, Mercury
- Welsh dydd Mercher Wednesday
Latin dies Mercurii
Central Romance
- Italian mercoledì Wednesday
Eastern Romance
- Aromanian Njercuri Wednesday
- Romanian miercuri Wednesday
Insular Romance
- Sardinian mélcuris Wednesday
Western Romance
- French mercredi Wednesday
- Spanish miércoles Wednesday
West Germanic *wōdanas dag Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of Latin dies Mercurii
Old Norse óðinsdagr Odin's Day, Wednesday calque of West Germanic *Wōdanas dag
Old English wōdnesdæġ Wednesday
- Middle English Wodnesdai Wednesday
Old English *wēdnesdæġ Wednesday
Middle English Wednesdei Wednesday
Frankish *wuodenesdag
Dutch woensdag Wednesday
- Dutch Woen partially back-formed from woensdag
Latin mercurius mercury
English mercury
- French mercure mercury
Vulgar Latin *mercuriāgo annual mercury
Western Romance
- Catalan melcoratge annual mercury
Latin merx merchandise, commodity
Central Romance
- Italian merce goods, products
- Basque merke cheap
Latin merces wages, reward, income, penalty, rent oblique stem merced-
Central Romance
- Italian mercede compensation, merit, pity, mercy
Insular Romance
Western Romance
French merci
Spanish merced
- English Merced
Spanish María de las Mercedes Mary of the Mercies
Spanish Mercedes
French Mercédès
- English Mercedes
Spanish vuestra merced honorific: your mercy, your grace
Latin mercenarius hired, mercenary
Latin commercium trade, commerce, exchange
Central Romance
- Italian commercio commerce, trade, market
Sicilian cummerciu
French commerce
- English commerce
- Romanian comerț commerce, trade
Byzantine Greek κομμέρκιον kommérkion trade, traffic, commerce, customs, revenue
Ottoman Turkish كمرك gümrük custom house, customs, tariff
- Turkish gümrük custom house, duty, tariff
- Arabic جمرك jumruk customs
- Persian گمرک gomrok customs
- Spanish comercio trade, shop
Latin mercari to trade, to sell
Western Romance
Latin mercans oblique stem mercant-
Central Romance
- Italian mercante merchant, dealer, trader
Western Romance
- Spanish mercante merchant
Old French
- French marchand vendor, merchant
- English merchant
Latin mercatus
Central Romance
Insular Romance
Western Romance
Late Latin marcatus late variant
Western Romance
Old French marchié(t) market, marketplace
- French marché
English market
- Hindi मार्केट mārkeṭ market, mall
- Japanese マーケット māketto market
- Spanish marqueta
West Germanic *markat
Frankish *markat
Old High German
- German Markt market
Old High German jarmarkat fair lit. "year-market"
German Jahrmarkt fair
- Czech jarmark fair
Polish jarmark fair, bazaar
Russian ярмарка jarmarka fair
- Kazakh жәрмеңке järmeñke fair
Ukrainian ярмарок jarmarok fair
Old Norse markaðr market
Danish marked market, fair, emporium
- Icelandic markaður market, marketplace, fair
- Irish margadh market, bargain, argreement
- Welsh marchnad market

Collected English words